Friday 27 June 2014

New book out on Amazon - Melisande: The Reawakening

I originally wrote this book many years ago.  At the time, the concept of a reincarnation-themed love story was a novel one, the only precedent that I knew of being ‘Green Darkness’ by Anya Seton, released in 1971 and which I’d read as a teenager upon its release.  I enjoyed ‘Green Darkness’ so much that when years later I decided to try to take up writing as a vocation, I felt inspired to have my first effort also be a spooky reincarnation-based romance.

But unfortunately, Murphy’s Law being operative in my life as it all too often is, the year after I wrote ‘Melisande: The Reawakening’ and sent it to numerous publishers and literary agents only to acquire an impressive collection of rejection letters, a book by another author with a similar reincarnation theme was published and became a best seller.  Realizing that my book would no longer have a chance of being published due to the other book’s similarity, I consigned my manuscript to a dusty storage file, not having the heart to throw it away altogether.

Now completely overhauled and updated, I hope this humble offering will be able to have a new lease of life thanks to indie self-publishing!

Melisande: The Reawakening

Author name: D. M. McClain.  Categories: Romance/Time Travel and Romance/Historical
In both Kindle eBook and Paperback formats
Moon In Pisces Publishing 
A reincarnation-themed love story of two places and times, several thousand miles and eight and a half centuries apart.

Kate is a rock guitarist with a troubled past. She leaves her home town of Los Angeles to stay with her cousin in London, wanting a clean break from her unhappy life and her cheating ex-boyfriend Robert. She soon meets Morgan, an artist and guitarist, and with him she finds herself the happiest she's ever been. But there are strange complications. All her life she has been haunted by a baffling recurring dream which takes place in medieval France. Since meeting Morgan, the dreams have started changing and he, and Robert, have begun featuring in them.

Spookier still, in waking life she keeps finding that when she's with Morgan, she feels like the experiences they share have happened before, a very long time ago. But that simply isn't possible. Or, is it? Only when Kate undergoes hypnotic regression and finds herself in 12th century England as Melisande, one of a troupe of wandering French troubadours, does she gain a chance of an explanation for her strange dreams and experiences.

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